Manual Refill Queue
The Manual Refill Queue (MRQ) is a new feature that allows you to set refill reminders in QuickScrip. This can be useful for pre-filling scrips for maintenance medications. This feature needs to be activated before it can be used. For setup, please contact Cost Effective Computers.
On the day the prescription is scheduled to be refilled, QuickScrip will display an alert at the bottom of the screen. The message RefQUE displays the number of prescriptions waiting to be refilled.
Viewing and Filling from the MRQ
You can go to the Refill Queue (Rx Processing Menu, Option 9) to see a list of scrips scheduled to be refilled. (IVR users, this feature shares the same screen as your IVR Queue). By Default, the MRQ will only display scrips that are scheduled to be filled today or were supposed to be filled in the past.
Select the scrip and either choose to fill it or delete it from the queue. Filling the scrip will automatically take you into the fill screen and automatically fill the information in for you.
The menu at the bottom of the screen will allow you to show all scrips in the queue, print specific scrips, or sort the scrips by patient and date.
Adding Scrips to the MRQ
There are 5 ways to add scrips to the manual refill queue.
In the FILL Screen
While in the Fill screen, you can select a prescription and press 'Ctrl + F11. This will prompt you for how many days from today you would like to refill the scrip. You can also enter a specific date in either mmddyy or mm/dd/yy formats.
In the EDIT screen
While in the EDIT screen, you can select a prescription and press 'Ctrl + F11. This will prompt you for how many days from today you would like to refill the scrip. You can also enter a specific date in either mmddyy or mm/dd/yy formats.
Insurance Rejects
Specific insurance rejects will trigger an MRQ prompt. If you get a Refill Too Soon reject, QuickScrip will prompt you to enter the scrip into the MRQ. Type (Q)ue. You will be asked for the number of days until it needs to be refilled.
In the SIG lines
If you want a prescription to be re-entered into the MRQ every time it is filled, special commands must be entered into the SIG lines. This option is ideal for maintenance medications.
- Entering /RFQ into the SIG lines will place the scrip into the MRQ and automatically calculate the refill date.
The calculation is:
[dispense date] + [days supply] – [grace days*] = refill date
*the number of grace days is 1 grace day per 7 days of days supply. If the days supply is zero, then QuickScrip will ask for the number of days.
- Entering /RFQ=x will bypass the above calculation and will just add X days to the dispense date.
NOTE: These commands must be entered PRIOR to entering your initials or the scrip will NOT be added to the MRQ.
The Hold Queue
QuickSCRIP also has the ability to put prescriptions on hold within the Refill Queue. This is useful for tracking prescriptions that you may want to have ready for refilling, but are suspended for some reason, and you would like to separate them from prescriptions that actively need refilling.
Prescriptions that have been placed on hold can be viewed from within the Refill Queue by typing HOLD or typing F11 on your keyboard. This toggles between showing hold scrips or hiding them.
There are two ways to place refill scrips on hold:
In the Refill Queue
Prescriptions can be selected from within the refill queue and placed in the hold queue.
- Enter the Refill Queue (Processing Menu Option 9)
- Select a prescription in the queue.
- Type HOLD
If a prescription has already been added to the refill queue, then trying to re-add the scrip (Control+F11) will prompt the user to change the queue date, add notes (see below), or add the scrip to the hold queue.
Adding Notes
You can add up to three lines of free-form notes to any prescription in the hold queue. This can be useful for relaying filling instructions to other pharmacists or techs. These can also serve as reminders for why a scrip was placed on hold. Notes will be displayed under the scrip in the refill queue.
There are two ways to add notes to a scrip:
In the Refill Queue
- Enter the Refill Queue (Processing Menu Option 9)
- Select a prescription in the queue.
- Select O for "Enter Notes".
- Type any notes in text box, and enter through to the bottom.
If a prescription has already been added to the refill queue, then trying to re-add the scrip (Control+F11) from the FILL or EDIT screens will prompt the user to change the queue date, add notes, or add the scrip to the hold queue.
Syncing Program
QuickSCRIP also features a prescription syncing program that allows you to set reminders for multiple scrips for the same patient.
Click here to see our user guide on the Syncing Program.