Medi-Span Updates Have Shipped
Medi-Span updates were shipped on 11/4/20. Please make sure you
have 15 – 30 minutes to be down when running the CD.
New Features:
3 Digit Decimal Metric Multiplier:
In the past, it was necessary to use a unit type of MG to
transmit a 3 digit decimal quantity. The metric multiplier field
has been expanded to allow you to enter the decimal values in the
drug file. MG will continue to work for drugs you have already
setup in your system.
PDMP Patient Lookup from QuickScrip:
You can now find a patients PDMP data from QuickScrip. This
feature is free for pharmacies in Alabama, Ohio, Tennessee, and
Virginia. The states of Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina,
require pharmacies to pay $120 per year for this feature. Please
visit our Wiki page on how to turn this feature on for your pharmacy.
Reporting Vaccines to States:
We are currently testing production claims to the Georgia
registry GRITS. We are also currently working on submitting to
ImmPrint in Alabama and TennIIS in Tennessee. If you want to be
notified when this feature is available to you, call and let us
know you are interested.
Vaccine Notifications for Primary Physician:
In Fill or Edit, type @VCC at the bottom of the screen to print
a notification to the physician on the prescription. @@VCC lets you
change the physician on the printout or fax. If you have Active Fax,
you will also be given an option to fax the notification.
Vaccine Printout for Patients
In Edit, hit the + and choose V for vaccine. This is information you
can give to the patient.
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