Medispan Price Update

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Revision as of 14:50, 2 September 2015 by Cecswiki (talk | contribs)
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QuickSCRIP has the ability to import price updates from Medispan and insert them into the pricing fields in the Drug File Maintenance screen. This feature is useful for making sure your pricing is based on current market values for your drugs, and getting more a more accurate idea of your cost and profit. In general, QuickSCRIP imports Average Wholesale Prices and MAC pricing. These price files are updated weekly by Cost Effective Computers.

Note: This is a separate from the Optional Price Update, which covers ACQ prices and are downloaded directly from your wholesaler.

Manually Downloading the Update

  1. In Quickscrip, start in the Pharmacy Main Menu
  2. Choose Option 3 Utilites
  3. Choose 16 Optional Price Update
  4. You will be asked if you want to print price Changes
    • Y will print all the drugs and the values that changed
    • A will print ALL drugs in the price update, regardless of weather it was found in your system
    • N will not print the changes
    • P will only print drugs that have changed over a set percent value. This is ideal for catching drugs that changed dramatically.
  5. Quickscrip will then import the update. You will be given a 1-page printout that will tell you the total number of drugs updated.

Automatic Updates

QuickSCRIP can be configured to automatically check for new price updates when you first log in each morning.

  1. Start in the Pharmacy Main Menu
  2. Choose 3 for Utilities
  3. Choose 3 for Business Control File
  4. Choose 17 for QuickSCRIP Integration
  5. Line 19 Auto Price Updates
    • Y Will Automatically run price updates once a day. Will Not print price changes
    • N Disables Automatic Price Updates
    • P Will Automatically run price updates once a day. It will only print changes above a certain % value, which QuickSCRIP will prompt you for.


When you run a medispan price update, QuickSCRIP downloads the file from a Cost Effective server across your internet connection. Since this is simpler than an Optional Price Update, there are fewer things to troubleshoot.

  • QuickSCRIP says I haven't run a Price update in X days.
    • This is a reminder feature in QuickSCRIP to make sure your updates are current. If you currently run your updates manually, running them with the above steps will remove this message. Turning on automatic price updates would help with this.
  • The Price update is hanging up or taking too long.
    • This is caused when QuickSCRIP is unable to connect to our server and download this update.
      1. Check your internet connection on your server. If there is no connection to the internet, it can cause this delay.
      2. There may be a connection issue with our server, which may require our attention. If your internet is connecting and you're still getting these delays, please contact Cost Effective Computers.

Rx Price Update Customization Screen

To customize how QuickSCRIP handles price updates, go to the Rx Price Update Customization Screen.

  1. Start in the Pharmacy Main Menu
  2. Choose 3, for Utilities
  3. Choose 3 again, for Business Control File
  4. Finally, choose 8 for Rx Price Update Customization Screen

Quickscrip can store the settings for up to two separate price updates.

  • Lines 1 & 2 determines the location QuickSCRIP checks for the price update file.
  • Lines 3 & 4 set the relevant masks for Wholesaler Price Updates. These are setup by a Cost Effective Help Desk Representative.
  • Lines 5 & 6 sets switches that affect how the Wholesaler Price Update runs.
  • Lines 7 & 8 shows the last dates you successfully ran a Wholesaler Price Update
  • Line 9 sets switches that affect how the Medi-Span AWP Price Update Runs.
  • Line 10 shows the last date you successfully ran a Medi-span AWP price update.
  • Lines 11 - 16 allow you to set if you want your pricing values lowered when you run your price updates.
  • Line 17 Lets you set a number of months for QuickSCRIP to check the price update while filling a prescription. If the last updated date is older than this, then QuickSCRIP will warn you.

There are a number of custom switches you can set on line 9 that will impact how Medispan price updates are run.

Switch Description
/PA Prints all NDC matches, regardless of cost difference
/PXnn Will only print price updates greater than nn%.
/PN Will not print any changes
/PM Will only print MAC changes
/AWP Will only update AWP prices
/ACQ Will only update ACQ prices
/DIR Will only update DIR prices
/MAC Will only update MAC prices
/WAC Will only update WAC prices
/MN Will NOT update MAC prices
/QN Will NOT update ACQ prices
/RN Will NOT update DIR prices
/WN Will NOT update WAC prices
/XG Will NOT update Generic Drugs
/XN Will NOT update NDC changes
/XB Will NOT update Brand/Generic Flag.
/LW will NOT lower AWP prices. Overrides control file flags
/LD will NOT lower DIR prices. Overrides control file flags
/LM will NOT lower MAC prices. Overrides control file flags
/LQ will NOT lower ACQ prices. Overrides control file flags
/LC will NOT lower WAC prices. Overrides control file flags
/LX will NOT lower ANY prices. Overrides control file flags
/B Will Not Update anything