COVID-19 Vaccine and other Immunization Reporting

If you plan to administer the COVID-19 Vaccine to your patients or provide other immunizations, we can help you report to the state. We have heard some states are requiring electronic data reporting in order to administer the COVID-19 Vaccine, so please check with your state. Getting certified can take days to weeks, so please contact us as soon as possible.
Alabama Immprint – We are almost finished with the testing phase. Contact us so we can add you to our list.
Georgia GRITS – We are currently sending immunization information to the state. Contact us if you want to send your information electronically.
Tennessee TennIIS – .We have finished testing and are awaiting final certification. Contact us so we can begin your registration.
Virginia VIIS – We have obtained our HL7 OID and will begin testing soon. Contact us so we can add you to our list.